Welcome to Coding Geeks, the approved by The Fanlistings Network fanlisting for Computer Programming. This fanlisting is listed under the categories Computer Miscellany and Internet: Miscellaneous and Hobbies and Recreation.

You don't know what a fanlisting is? It's simply a list of people who love some subject (book, color, person, relationship, etc.) Are you a fan? If yes, add yourself to the list of fans! :)


Members count: 28, from 9 countries

Members pending approval: 0

Last members update: 26th April 2024

Newest/last updated members: Petra Dizzy

Latest updates

· 31st December 2019:
We moved to a new domain, please update your links :)

Featured links

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: the Salander, Lisbeth fanlisting The future is bright: the Black Mirror fanlisting